Penultimate warriors

With only two matches left, there is already a tendency to gaze backwards and make some assessment of Arsenal’s season. FC *115 (the club formerly known as Man City) seems unlikely to drop points, so it appears the Gunners are headed to a 2nd place finish in the Premiership.

Personally, I’m not looking back just yet. We’ve got Man Utd on Sunday and then Everton to close out the season the following week. Even after 18 years of hosting matches at Maggie’s, I still relish being at the pub with our community.

Last week was brilliant. A solid 25-30 Gooners turned up for a 4:30 am kickoff to see us beat Bournemouth. This included a half dozen or so Silicon Valley Gooners who made the trek from San Jose. Talk about dedication. We made sure everyone who attended got an “I’m a f**cking legend” name tag.

This Sunday, our start time is more civilized. Arsenal’s next to last match against United kicks off at 8:30am. Expecting a good turnout on what should be a beautiful day for a gathering. I know it’s Mother’s Day, so plan on bringing mom to the pub.

We’re having a raffle Sunday and will have some fantastic prizes, including jerseys, t-shirts, scarves, and other AFC memorabilia. Proceeds will help cover BAG expenses, such as our website, donuts at matches, swag orders, etc. While this is a labor of love for me, there are costs involved.

Hope to see you Sunday at the match!



Published by Bay Area Gooners

Founder of the Bay Area Gooners